Shinko Asian Pears
Asian pears are also known as “apple pears” as they’re often described as having the texture and shape of the apple but with the smooth sweetness of a pear. Botanically, they’re true pears and are native to China and Japan. The Shinko’s skin is bronze with brown russeting and its juicy, creamy white flesh has a subtly rich flavor. One of the last pears to pick, it comes off the tree with a butterscotch note to its sweetness. Pears are great sources of Vitamin C which, fights free radicals. They are also an excellent source of fiber. Eat the skins! Research shows that the skins contain three to four times as many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory flavonoids as the flesh. Doctors also recommend pears for introducing babies to solid foods because they are low in acid and will be easier on babies tummies.
Warren Pears
The Warren is to our pears as the Cal Red is to our peaches and the Flavor King to our pluots. This is Frog Hollow Farm’s signature pear and for good reason. Too difficult to grow for most farmers to consider it’s never caught on commercially but Farmer Al has never shied away from putting the time and effort into a fruit that tastes so good. It has a classic European texture, very soft and juicy with a silky sweetness that avoids the typical grittiness found in most pears. Pears are great sources of Vitamin C which, fights free radicals. They are also an excellent source of fiber. Eat the skins! Research shows that the skins contain three to four times as many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory flavonoids as the flesh. Doctors also recommend pears for introducing babies to solid foods because they are low in acid and will be easier on babies tummies.
Pink Lady Apples
A cross between the Golden Delicious and Lady Williams, the Pink Lady is a crisp and juicy apple with a tart finish. A creamy white colored flesh that resists browning makes this an excellent apple for salads and slicing. Also a modern day favorite for eating out of hand. The apple a day adage may be spot on. Recent research has shown that apples are associated with lower risk of heart diseases and strokes. They are also an excellent source of fiber and a good source of vitamin C.
Native to the regions of Persia and the Western Himalayan range, pomegranates have been cultivated for several millennia. When sliced open a beautiful array of jewel like seeds are displayed. The aril is the colorful casing that surrounds the edible seeds and has a sweet tart flavor. Enjoy the arils alone or use them in salads, desserts, or holiday beverages. Deemed a superfruit, pomegranates contain high levels of Vitamin C and polyphenols. Polyphenols are thought to prevent degenerative diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The arils and seeds are also an excellent source of fiber.
Fuyu Persimmons
The Fuyu has a crisp texture and delicate sweet flavor. They can be eaten out of hand but are also delicious sliced with salads or as accompinament to soft fresh cheeses such as marscapone and burrata. Persimmons are gaining recognition as another great fruit to consume for health reasons. They have been found to be a good source of B-complex vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin B-6, and thiamin which act as co-factors for many metabolic enzymatic functions in the body. Persimonns are also high in Vitamin C and polyphenols, as well as betulinic acid, an important anti-tumor compound.
A Note from Farmer Al

Dear CSA Members,
As I drive through the orchards this time of year my spirit is lifted by the colors…oranges, yellows, gold and crimson. Some leaves are still on the tress, some are on the ground. After a rain storm, the air is stunningly clear, the distances are amplified, the soil darker, the leaves cleaner and brighter. The wind energizes me and the long afternoon shadows are mysterious and intimate. It is a time to be thankful.
I am thankful for the beauty of this place called Brentwood, its farmland, the soils, the weather and the delicious food that can be grown here. I am thankful to the men and women who work here on our farm for their devotion to their work and their camaraderie and cooperation. I am thankful for the opportunity to work with them.
I am thankful for the challenges of nature on the farm, for they will give me and my children a lifetime of exploration, experimentation and learning.
I am thankful for my wife Becky and her passion for great taste, her attention to detail in creating great products with our fruit, and for her caring for our two daughters Maddie and Millie whose laughter and zest for living bring me immense joy every day.
I am thankful for all the people who care about this farm and contribute their knowledge, skill, time and energy to make Frog Hollow Farm thrive.
And I am thankful for you, our CSA members who have chosen to be a part of the Frog Hollow Community. We thank you for your support and we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving.