Dear CSA Members,
This amazing agricultural landscape, known to most as Brentwood, is truly a Garden of Eden. Fruits and vegetables grown here abound in diversity, quantity, and quality unmatched by any other region in California, or in all of America, for that matter. Brentwood farmers could possibly provide the entire population of the bay area with their fruit and vegetable needs if the food system were to be locally organized.
That is a big vision! And it is embraced by BALT, the Brentwood Agricultural Land Trust, its board and its staff, led by its Director Kathryn Lyddan. Their work, personal efforts really, is foundational on three fronts:
1. Protect the land-BALT has already secured easements on over 1000 acres of prime farmland here in the Ag Core with another 1000 acres pending.
2. Empower the farmers-
a. With marketing opportunities
b. Support from improved regulatory changes
c. Provide land access and other opportunities for beginning farmers.
3. Educate the local Community
a. This includes educating local government agencies both county and
cities, regarding the valuable services that farms and farmers provide local
communities, betyond just the food they grow.
b. BALT is working with other non-profit organizations to expand ways farms and farmers can survive and succeed on the land.
Please join Frog Hollow Farm in giving your support to BALT in any way you can, either financially; or subscribing to BALT’s bi-annual newsletter by visiting www. brentwoodagtrust.org.
Thanks for your support,