Mid December Bounty Dear CSA Members, The bounty of this soil, our farm, never ceases to amaze me. This week just ahead of the storm, we picked the following: • Tarocco Blood Oranges • Meyer Lemons • Navel Oranges • Kale • Several kinds of lettuces • Stinging nettle (for pesto) • Parsley • Turnips • Radishes • Arugula These are the shortest days of the year! Dark, damp, foggy days of winter yet the land keeps on giving. And it’s all super delicious! And today we’re getting about 2 inches of rain, about 15% of our total annual rainfall, just from this one storm! Our soil, made more permeable and porous from several years of compost applications, is soaking it up like a sponge, with no run off or puddling what so ever. While the drought may not be officially over, this rain will bring much needed moisture and nitrogen to all the plants. We here at Frog Hollow Farm are so thankful for this rain. A very happy holidays to one and all,