Dear CSA Members,
As always, weather is the big story here on the farm. It’s been good so far, with lots of rain in December, and now we’re getting the cold temperatures we need to achieve our chill hours. “Good”, but not “Great”. Not great because so far we’ve gotten only about 150 hours of below 45 degrees Fahrenheit temps, which is the lowest I’ve ever seen here in the 39 years I’ve been farming this ground.
What’s worse is that it’s looking very much like an established pattern or trend; warmer winters for several years in a row! Global warming is very likely the cause but so far that is only an anecdotal observation on my part, not a scientifically established fact yet.
Today, it’s extremely windy, which also makes for great beauty. The air is so clear one can see the entire Sierra Nevada Range, two hundred miles of snowclad mountain peaks, off to the east; and to the west, are the emerald green hills covered with grass growing tall for the first time in several years!
Our orchards are plenty dry now due to this wind, so we’re getting caught up on some much needed work. Today, I’m really happy to get the “pre-plant compost” application done. What’s this? It’s fifteen pounds of fungally dominant compost, which is also rich with protozoa and nematodes, placed on top of the exact spot where the new tree is to be planted. Later (a week or so depending on weather) we’ll add worms to this mound of compost. All of this “biology” right on top of the soil to be planted will enrich the soil with molecules of nutrients which are produced by the metabolic activity of microbes and worms! This is an experiment designed by our molecular biologist Christophe. I’m eagerly looking forward to the results!
A most prosperous and healthy New Year to All!