A note from Sarah : Nov 3rd

A NOTE FROM SARAH Dear CSA Members What a great weekend we had! It started with our families all getting to enjoy Halloween and ending with our first ever Olive Harvest Pot Luck for longtime friends and family. The memories and connections that were reminisced and renewed was a testimony to not just the friends we’ve made over the years, but to the connection our fruit and what we do creates in people and communities. One of my favorite “coincidences” and an example of what I am talking about is this: I invited my best friend (we’ve known each other since we were 14) and her partner, an ER physician in San Diego to the Olive Party. They flew up met me at my house and followed me out to the farm. It’d been a while since they’d been out so I took them for a walk into the orchard. As we were heading back to the packing shed I heard my bff ’s partner say, “Hi! What are YOU doing here?!” I turned around to see him talking to a couple – didn’t think much of it because I had just seen my ex-sister-in-law and was saying “hi” and catching up with her. Are you ready for this? The couple my bff and her partner were talking to were my ex sister-in-laws next door neighbors and MY friends had just spent the previous weekend in Chicago with them at a conference for the National ER Physicians Association! They are really good friends! Okay, now I don’t know about YOU, but there’s less than six degrees of separation in THAT one! There were so many connections and coincidences like this for everyone we had invited to this event. It was truly an amazing experience to realize that what we love to do, growing amazing fruit, brings together so many people from all across the country to celebrate food, friends and family.A wonderful way to celebrate our harvest. We also have started accumulating CHILL hours! Stone fruit needs a certain amount of temperatures below 45 degrees to achieve full dormancy and proper bud formation. Last year we started off early too and 2014 harvest was a good solid one. We’re off to a good start again with 4 hours last night. Enjoy the longer evenings with your families! Good Health, Sarah   

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