Please read the terms of your membership that display when you complete your CSA order. Membership terms are posted below for your convenience. It’s important that you understand your commitment to the farm when you become a CSA member.
When joining the Happy Child CSA members make a pledge to receive a weekly or bi-weekly delivery of fresh organic fruit from Frog Hollow Farm or one of our partner farms.
Subscription Terms
Sustaining Members commit to the Happy Child CSA for 6 months. For weekly delivery this equals 26 boxes and for for bi-weekly delivery, 13 boxes. Sustaining members pay in full in advance and enjoy 10% off their subscription. Join as a sustaining member at any time throughout the year.
Auto Renew Members are billed the week before their next scheduled delivery and are not committed to the CSA for any length of time. Auto Renew Members can join at anytime in the season.
Frog Hollow Farm does all it can to ensure a full harvest. All CSA members are committed to sharing in the gain or loss of each season due to weather or pest conditions beyond Frog Hollow Farms’ control.
Pick-Up Policies
CSA members are responsible for picking up their boxes during the designated pick-up time for the drop-site they select. Pick-up windows are within 48 hours of drop-off, unless otherwise stated in the drop-site selection. If CSA members are unable to pick up their box, they may send someone to do so on their behalf.
CSA boxes not picked up within the designated pick-up hours will be donated at the pick-up site hosts’ discretion. Late pick-ups are not eligible for credits.
In order to make pick-ups run smoothly for everyone, CSA members should only take the box with their name printed on it and sign their names on the sign-out sheet.
Delivery Holds
We understand that there will be times when you are not able to receive your delivery, which is why we accommodate delivery holds.
Holds must be placed before the end of the day Friday on the week prior to the next scheduled delivery. Holds can be placed online through the CSA member log-in account. Members may also call or email the CSA Customer Care Coordinator the week before their next scheduled delivery to request a hold. Members not managing their own holds must be aware that it is possible the CSA Customer Care Coordinator may not be able to process their hold requests by the end of the day Friday, if not given appropriate notice.
Sustaining Members will receive a credit when placing their CSA on hold for vacation or other reasons. This credit will be held in the member account and will be used at the end of the existing purchase for the next consecutive delivery.
Auto- Renew members will not be charged for deliveries placed on hold.
Members not able to pick-up their box may want to consider a donating their fruit to The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano, with whom we have a great relationship. If you can’t pick-up your box and would like to donate your fruit, let us know and we will arrange the donation under your name.
Damaged or Unsatisfactory Fruit
Since we are an organic farm and we allow our fruit to ripen fully before harvest, the vast majority of our fruit is not perfect looking. You may find surface scaring or what we call picking bruises that should not affect the eating quality of your fruit. If we only sold fruit that looks perfect, then we would be composting tens of thousands of fruit per year, or almost a third of the total harvest. That would be a terrible waste of fruit that is delicious and perfectly good for eating, as well as a waste of the precious resources that it takes to produce it. The fruit in the CSA boxes will be ripe, ready to eat, and full of flavor!
If your box contains fruit with any punctures, large brown spots or mold, please let us know and we are happy to replace it!