Can I get a box every other week?
Yes, we have a ‘bi-weekly’ CSA option. Choose bi-weekly from the Frequency drop down box when checking out on the CSA Share Page.
This isn’t the right amount of fruit for me, can I downsize or upgrade?
We encourage you to use the Auto-Renew option initially to find what share best fits your needs. Sustaining Members can pay a pro-rated amount to upgrade their share to a larger size by contacting us. If a certain size fits your needs most of the time, you can always schedule an add-on box of fruit for an occasional increase in the amount of fruit you’re picking up.
Single Share: Suitable for group / family of 2-4.
Double Share: Suitable for group / family of 4-6
Triple Share: Suitable for large families, workplaces, or voracious fruitarians!
If a single share is still too much fruit, consider bi-weekly delivery. You can extend the life of some fruits if properly refrigerated so you’ll have plenty to enjoy when picking up every other week.
How do vacation holds work?
We understand that there will be times when you are not able to receive your delivery, which is why we accommodate vacation holds. Please allow 5 days processing time to place a hold on your delivery. There are a few options for holds:
SHARE THE LOVE: Arrange to have a neighbor, friend, or family member pick up your CSA box. They’ll love you even more for sharing such amazing fruit!
CREDIT: Sustaining Members will receive a credit when placing their CSA on hold for vacation or other reasons. This credit will be held in the member account and will be used at the end of the existing purchase for the next consecutive delivery.
DONATE: We have a great relationship with The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano and donate fruit on a weekly basis. If you’re going out of town and would like to donate your fruit, we will arrange the donation under your name.
*Auto Renew members will not be charged for boxes placed on hold.
How do I place a Hold or Donation?
First, remember you must do this before end of day Friday on the week prior to your next delivery or the software won’t allow you to place the hold.
From happychildcsa.com, select the Manage Account tab. This will take you to a log in page. Log into your CSA account using your email and password.
Once you are logged in, you will reach a Member Dashboard page. From the Member Dashboard Page, notice the calendar on the right side of the page. Click on the date you wish to hold.
Click on the date, and a summary of your order will appear- it will show your share size and type, plus any add-on’s you had ordered.
There’s a ‘HOLD’ button on this page.
Click that, and you can choose the Donate or Hold option. Once you apply the hold or donation, the calendar will display that date in Grey, indicating a hold.
How do I cancel my CSA Subscription?
From Happychildcsa.com, select the Manage Account tab. Log into your CSA account using your email and password. Once you are logged in, you will reach a Member Dashboard page.
From the Member Dashboard Page, choose the View/Modify subscription link. Select the season you wish to cancel. That page will open to another detailed page about your subscription.
In small font at the top of the page, there is a [modify] link. Click on that link to get to the cancellation page. From here, you can cancel your account here.
We are very sorry to see you go!
What do I do with the box my fruit comes in?
You are free to take the box with you and bring it back to your CSA site the following week. The boxes are perfect for transporting your fruit, but you can leave the box at the site and transfer your fruit to your own container if you’d like. Each week the CSA delivery driver will pick-up returned boxes and bring them back to the farm, where we sort and reuse.
Can I take the cooler the eggs and pastries come in home with me?
If you order eggs or pastries, please leave the coolers at the sites! We will pick them up and reuse them. Also, Shelly can’t reuse the cartons once they have left her farm, so please don’t send back used cartons, you can recycle them at home.