As a chef, I love spending hours preparing a dish, tinkering with the recipe, and then taking the time to sit and fully enjoy what I have cooked. But during the work day I have found that it is important to pay attention to the in-between cuisine, the small plates that give us energy, a break, and revitalize our senses.
I have always been a person who shares food, and eagerly accepts samples from others – I like to consider it research. So I do this type of research throughout the day with my co-workers, while exchanging stories about our favorite family recipes.
One of our favorite snacks at Frog Hollow is fresh fruit, and we have come up with many different ways for it to be enjoyed. The other day, my co-worker Miriam brought in Tajin, a popular Mexican spice mix that is typically sprinkled on fresh fruits and vegetables. She learned this recipe from her grandfather, who would artfully put together appetizer plates of fresh fruits and crisp vegetables seasoned with chilies, salt, and lime. This hydrating yet spicy snack became a tradition in her family.
Inspired by Miriam’s recipe, we have been cutting up the Valencia oranges and seasoning them with Tajin for our afternoon pick-me-up snacks. The Tajin adds both a savory and spicy element that emphasizes the sweetness of the fruit. These flavors are a great substitute for an afternoon coffee, or a sugary treat. The chilies bring a natural energy boost by increasing circulation and aiding digestion, while the sweetness of the orange satisfies sugar cravings. Enjoy this refreshing snack with friends, family, and co-workers – they will thank you!