The O'Henry vs. The Cal Red!
Our annual showdown between two of our most coveted varieties of peaches, the O’Henrys and the Cal Reds, is here.
The Battle of the Peaches is a decades long contest between Sarah of the O’Henry camp and Farmer Al of the Cal Red Camp. Every year we ask Frog Hollow enthusiasts to help us decide the winner of the “best” peach for the season.
Our Farmers Market stand will be sampling both varieties and we will be ask- ing people to cast their ballots. Our mail order customers can order a mixed box of the peaches and will be participating through our online polling system.
We want you, our CSA members, to cast your vote too! Your CSA boxes contain both of these yellow flesh varieties. The inside flap of your box will be stamped O’Henry and Cal Red on opposing sides so you will be able to differentiate between the two peaches. Before you cast your vote, taste carefully with all your senses. Flavor, texture, juiciness, color, and aroma all play into the overall experience of a peach. If you aren’t sure, taste again!
Once you’ve picked your favorite, cast your vote at http://bit.ly/11A0TBb
After all votes are tallied, we will let you know who prevailed as the Peach Champion for the 2013 growing season. Taste away and stay tuned!