Last week we had the pleasure of welcoming the student’s of Piedmont Middle School’s Green Team to the farm. For the past couple years, Piedmont Middle School has be one of the handful of awesome schools that host pick up locations for our CSA program. The Piedmont Middle School Green Team, led by teacher Mr. John White, learn about critical local and global environmental issues and implement solutions on their campus. Given the awesome work they are doing, we were overjoyed to have these inspiring young folks out to the farm for a day of fun and learning.
The Green Team students learn a great deal about waste management and composting in the classroom, so we wanted to given them the chance to see a large-scale agricultural composting system in action. As you may know, we have a substantial composting operation on the farm. We create several 100 tons of compost a year – that’s a lot of compost!

The day of the trip we explored our compost piles and learned about the various critters responsible for decomposition. As well as how the composting system we have on the farm seeks to create the absolute most favorable
environment possible these critters to thrive. In addition to getting our hands dirty with compost, we toured the farm and learned about many of the integrated pest management techniques we use here on the farm. And of course, we picked and savored plenty of apricots!
If you’re interested in organizing a field trip for your school let us know. We’d love to have you out on the farm.
Feel free to contact Molly at molly@happychildcsa.com for more information.