This Week’s Fruit
Pink Lady Apples & Fuji Apples Cayuma Orchards, New Cayuma, CA A cross between the Golden Delicious and Lady Williams, the Pink Lady is a crisp and juicy apple with a tart finish. A creamy white colored flesh that resists browning makes this an excellent apple for salads and slicing. Also a modern day favorite for eating out of hand. A cross between the Golden Delicious and Lady Williams, the Pink Lady is a crisp and juicy apple with a tart finish. A creamy white colored flesh that resists browning makes this an excellent apple for salads and slicing. Also a modern day favorite for eating out of hand. Fujis are a cross between Red Delicious and Ralls Janet, an heirloom apple dating back to Thomas Jeffrson. Fujis are loved by many for their crisp, sweet, and juicy character. Hayward Kiwi Chiechi Farms, Live Oak, CA Originally known as the Chinese gooseberry due to its Chinese orgins. Hawyward Wright, a New Zealand nurseryman propagated his plants by grafting and they eventually became the preferred cultivar of growers due to their sweet flavor and thin skin. Meyer Lemons Native to China, Meyers are a cross between a lemon and either a mandarin or a true orange. Their round shape and smooth rind encases an often orange hued flesh that is sweeter and more subtle than your common lemon. Meyer lemons are wonderful for cooking, baking, and an assortment of beverages. Taccoro Blood Oranges A beautiful orange to deep red flesh is revealed when you slice open a Tarocco. The flesh of the blood orange is firmer and more dense than an orange and its flavor is a little more tart. These beauties sweeten and darken in color as the season progresses.A Note from Farmer Al
Dear CSA Members, Last week was spent in Monterey at the Board Retreat of the PCFMA (Pacific Coast Farmers’ Market Association). It’s our annual retreat and we always go to the same place Monterey…for the beauty and the history, but mostly for the inspiration! This year was no exception. Seeing my own children experience the Monterey Bay Aquarium was inspirational for me in the sense of their wonder of Nature and of the importance of providing that powerful connection to our children. Connecting and interacting with nature is what we do on a daily basis here at Frog Hollow Farm. Our goal is to unravel its mysteries (research), understand it and work with it to grow great tasting, good for you and good for the environment fruit. Sunday March 10, 2013 is our annual Blossom Walk. Come and enjoy the beauty of the farm at full bloom and learn about our process to grow this fruit. I hope you will be as inspired here as we were at the Aquarium. We strive to create the connection between food and our environment as elegantly as they make the connection to the ocean, environment and ourselves. I hope you’ll bee there!