Shinko Asian Pears Asian pears are also known as “apple pears” as they’re often described as having the texture and shape of the apple but with the smooth sweetness of a pear. Botanically, they’re true pears and are native to China and Japan. The Shinko’s skin is bronze with brown russeting and its juicy, creamy white flesh has a subtly rich flavor. One of the last pears to pick, it comes off the tree with a butterscotch note to its sweetness. Pears are great sources of Vitamin C which, fights free radicals. They are also an excellent source of fiber. Eat the skins! Research shows that the skins contain three to four times as many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory flavonoids as the flesh. Doctors also recommend pears for introducing babies to solid foods because they are low in acid and will be easier on babies tummies. Warren Pears The Warren is to our pears as the Cal Red is to our peaches and the Flavor King to our pluots. This is Frog Hollow Farm’s signature pear and for good reason. Too difficult to grow for most farmers to consider it’s never caught on commercially but Farmer Al has never shied away from putting the time and effort into a fruit that tastes so good. It has a classic European texture, very soft and juicy with a silky sweetness that avoids the typical grittiness found in most pears. Pears are great sources of Vitamin C which, fights free radicals. They are also an excellent source of fiber. Eat the skins! Research shows that the skins contain three to four times as many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory flavonoids as the flesh. Doctors also recommend pears for introducing babies to solid foods because they are low in acid and will be easier on babies tummies. Pink Lady Apples A cross between the Golden Delicious and Lady Williams, the Pink Lady is a crisp and juicy apple with a tart finish. A creamy white colored flesh that resists browning makes this an excellent apple for salads and slicing. Also a modern day favorite for eating out of hand. The apple a day adage may be spot on. Recent research has shown that apples are associated with lower risk of heart diseases and strokes. They are also an excellent source of fiber and a good source of vitamin C. Flame Seedless Grapes Firm, large, and sweet the Flame Seedless are one of the most popular varieties in North America. Enjoy these out of hand or try them in green salads, chicken salads, or fruit salads. Another superfruit. Grapes are packed with a powerful antioxidant called resveratrol, which promotes a healthy heart.A Note from Farmer Al
Dear CSA Members, Of course I’m hoping you will all vote YES on Prop 37. GMO’s, as they currently exist are a bad idea for farming and farmers worldwide. Let me give an example: “Roundup Ready” corn. This GMO corn, patented by Monsanto, can be sprayed with Monsanto’s product Round-up, to kill weeds, while the corn survives. So Monsanto sells more corn seed and more round-up, and more of this herbicide will be sprayed on fields worldwide. Round-up kills the microbial life of the soil. Increased dependency on herbicides and other chemicals will accelerate the loss of fertile soil worldwide. We need to be investing in sustainable agricultural practices, and avoid chemical degradation of the soil and the water supplies. The other hidden side of the GMO scenario is that companies like Monsanto, with their patents, would begin to control ownership of seeds. This will lead to reduction of crop diversity worldwide, and loss food sovereignty for communities everywhere. Farmers would become increasingly dependent on corporation-controlled food systems to produce and sell their products. GMO’s lead to the demise of everything we value about how our food is grown, how it tastes, and how it nourishes our bodies. Please VOTE YES on Prop. 37.