In This Week’s Box

- Navel oranges, Oceanside, CA
- Golden Nugget tangerine, Oceanside, CA
- Minneola tangelo, Oceanside, CA
- Hass avocado, Oceanside, CA
- Pink Lady apples, Cuyama, CA
- Fuji apples, Cuyama, CA
From Farmer Al
Our second annual Blossom Festival was a big success, with good weather and great “bee” talks by our honeybee beekeeper, Alan Hawkins, and our native bee specialist, Marissa Ponder from UC Berkeley. Organic farming methods were discussed by me during a walking tour of the farm which covered almost a mile of sublimely beautiful blossoms. A fantastic day.
But then later that night it rained! A warm rain. Just the worst kind of conditions for us, favoring brown rot growth and crop loss. We’re already seeing significant brown rot in our Goldensweet apricots from the previous week’s warm storm and now we’ll deal with the fallout of this one, hitting right on full bloom for our peaches. There’s more wet weather on the way all this week.
All of this tragedy amidst such beauty! Someone should write an opera. Any volunteers out there?
Albany Dinner Swap & Social
If you live, work, or pick up your CSA box in the Albany or North Berkeley area, the
Albany Community Center is hosting a
Dinner Swap & Social on the evening of April 25th. Kimi participated in the March event held last week and had a great time meeting other Albany/Westbrae locals. A low-key community building event, it includes a wine tasting and snacks and is kid-friendly with lots of room for kids to play. Participants bring 3 portions of a main dish (each portion enough for a family of four) and swap, going home with three full meals to enjoy that week or freeze for the future. For more info or to RSVP, contact
Robin Mariona, the event organizer.
2011 Blossom Festival
Thank you to our CSA members who attended. We hope you had a good time! Our next event is in the planning stages and as soon as we have a date, we’ll let you know so you can mark your calendars.
Flyers available
If you want to help grow your site, let us know and we’ll send you flyers (or a PDF) that you can post or email to anyone who might be interested in joining. Since active members receive 10% off going from one season to the next, if you know someone who has been thinking of joining, now’s the time for them to get a 4-week trial started!
Our website
As we’ve settled into our theme for the layout here on the website, we’ll be transitioning the CSAware powered portion to match. The functionality will stay the same, but the temporary header and layout will soon blend seamlessly between the “blog” portion of the site and the account management portion.