Photo by Jeff Bordes.
Join us!
We joyfully invite you, your friends, and your family to join us here at the farm on March 13th for our annual
Blossom Festival!
The orchard will be in full bloom and it is absolutely breathtaking. This year we are pleased to make this event
free and open to the public. To help us plan for parking and seating for people to enjoy taking in the view of the blossoms, we ask that you
RSVP online via Eventbrite or give us a call at 888-779-4511.
Schedule of Events

Photo by Jeff Bordes.
11am – Come on in and say hello.
Our gates open at eleven. Arrive whenever you’d like. Bring a bag lunch to enjoy a picnic under the trees or purchase some fresh-baked pastries and empanadas from the farm kitchen.
1pm – Get to know us even better.
UC Berkeley’s Marissa Ponder will introduce our CSA community to native bees and Frog Hollow’s involvement with fostering habitat. Alan Hawkins, one of our beekeepers, will also talk briefly about honeybees and the hives that live year-round here at the farm. Immediately following, Farmer Al will lead a walking tour through the orchard. Accessibility needs can be met for the walking tour.
Boost the Signal
Want to invite someone, or let your local community or group know about our Blossom Festival? Share the link to our Eventbrite RSVP at
http://2011blossomfest.eventbrite.com or download and distribute our
2011 Blossom Festival Flyer.