Pink Lady Apples A cross between the Golden Delicious and Lady Williams, the Pink Lady is a crisp and juicy apple with a tart finish. Pink skins and a creamy white colored flesh that resists browning makes, this an excellent apple for salads and slicing. Store on your counter out of direct light for 4-5 days. Refrigerate after to maintain crispness. Warren Pears This is Frog Hollow Farm’s signature pear. It has a classic European texture, very soft and juicy with a silky sweetness that avoids the typical grittiness found in most pears. Pears are ripe when wrinkled and yielding slightly near the stem. Pears will store well in the fridge once they have reached your optimal ripeness. Golden Russet Bosc Pears The Golden Russet is true to its name with a yellowish-white flesh and a uni- formly russet skin. It has the classic Bosc shape of a long elegant neck. Excel- lent for cooking with, the Bosc’s texture holds up very well in pies, tarts, and for poaching. Satsuma Mandarins Side Hill Citrus, Lincoln CA Satsumas are typically seedless with a thin skin that is loosley attached the flesh making them very easy to peel. The flesh of the mandarin is very sweet and delicate leaving them susceptible to bruising, so handle with care. Do not place other fruits on top of the mandarins. Store out of sunlight for 2-4 days on the counter or up to two weeks in the fridge. Fuyu Persimmons The Fuyu has a crisp texture and delicate sweet flavor. They have a beautiful orange to red hue when ripe. They can be eaten out of hand with skin on or peeled. Store on the counter for 3-5 days or refrigerate for longer enjoyment. Hayward Kiwis Chieci Farm, Live Oak, CA Hawyward Wright, a New Zealand nurseryman propagated his plants by grafting and they eventually became the preferred cultivar of growers due to their sweet flavor and thin skin. Ready to eat when they yield to gentle pressure. Store these on the counter for 4-5 days.
Dear CSA members,
The Weather is changing!
So far fall 2013 has been one of the driest in California’s history. Finally, it looks as if there’s a storm on the horizon that will bring rain to the Bay Area, and more importantly, snow to the Sierras. We welcome rain on the farm right now. Although the trees are dropping their brightly colored leaves the roots will continue to grow with the aid of water for the next few weeks. The timing of this storm is good for us as we were gearing up for our next irrigation but now we may not have to. That’s a big relief since a late November irrigation is not in the budget!
This is a good time to take the opportunity to talk about what water means to you and your family. Ask your kids how they use water every day and then ask them what they would do if they didn’t have running water for a 24 to 48-hour period. You’ll be amazed at how we take our running water for granted and then blown away by your children’s inge- nuity. We’re betting you’ll be able to incorporate your kids “plans” into your Emergency Preparedness Plans.
I personally would like to take this opportunity to say “thank you” to all of you who have chosen to be a part of Frog Hollow Farm’s Happy Child CSA. You support our families while committing to a quality of good, healthy food for your families. It’s my wish for each of you that this Thanksgiving holiday (next week – don’t panic, I’m just embrac- ing an opportunity) be filled with good friends, amazing food, and yes, water in your gardens and in your faucets!
Good Health,