This Week’s Fruit
Rainier Cherries
Frog Hollow Farm, Brentwood, CA
The Rainier is the only white cherry we grow. Created in 1952 at Washington State University, they are a cross between the Bing and Van. Plump, delicious, and with extremely sweet creamy flesh, they can be more fragile than the dark cherries.
WE CAN REUSE THE CLAMSHELLS – please send them back with your boxes!
Honeyrich Apriums
Frog Hollow Farm, Brentwood, CA
An Aprium is a cross between an apricot and a plum. Both the Aprium and the Pluot were developed by Floyd Zaiger outside of Modesto, CA using the “low tech” method of cross-pollinating plum and apricot trees and then selecting for certain traits. The Honeyrich is a prime example of the aprium which most strongly resembles its apricot parentage. Sweet even when the flesh is still crisp, they continue to ripen into soft juicy delicacies.
Super Zee Peaches
Frog Hollow Farm, Brentwood, CA
Native to China, peaches of legend conferred immortality and were treasured by ancient Emperors. In the early 17th century a horticulturist by the name of George Minifie is said to have brought the first peaches from England to the United States, planting peach trees at his Estate of Buckland in Virginia. Peaches now grow throughout the world’s temperate regions, but find a uniquely suited home in Brentwood’s Mediterranean climate.
Navel Oranges
Etheridge Farm, Dinuba, CA
California Navel Oranges are considered to be the best Navels for eating out of hand. They have a thick skin that is easy to peel, are seedless, and have a meaty and sweet flesh that makes them a perfect snack. Navels are also great for
juicing and cooking.
Encore Mandarins
Abounding Harvest Mountain Farm, Los Gatos, CA
The Encore is a late variety mandarin that is a cross of the King and Willow Leaf oranges. The Encore has sweet and juicy flesh that is excellent for eating out of hand or for juice or jam.
A Note from Farmer Al
Dear CSA Members,

The moment I first heard this idea proposed over 20 years ago by Sibella Kraus, I knew it would be an extraordinary gathering place of farmers, chefs, residents, food professionals, tourists and all who are passionate about food. The stunning location on the edge of the Bay, with beautiful views in every direction, was alone enough to insure it would become a weekly gathering place loved by one and all!
Now 20 years later, it has fulfilled the early vision and much more. I’ve missed only a handful of the 1040 + markets that have been held there every Saturday, Rain or shine, and I am as thrilled and excited as ever each morning, as we start setting up our stall at 6:00am. The market has had 3 different locations in its 20 year history. First, it was located at the embarcadero across from the Ferry building near Justin Hermann Plaza. When they began the reconstruction of the Embarcadero, it was moved to Green and Front Street. Finally, after the renovation of the Ferry Building to its’ present incarnation it moved there. The Ferry Building has always been a hub for San Franciscans. In its heyday as a Ferry Terminal (1898-1937) before the advent of cars and two bridges, 50,000 people passed through the Ferry Building each day in their commute to work in the city, making it one of the highest traffic travel terminals in the world.
In the afternoon when I get home Becky will ask me, “Anyone exciting come by…?” And almost always my answer is “Yes!” Alice Waters, Mario Batalli, Rick Moonen, Prince Charles, Martha Stewart, just to name a few have all visited us. But my favorites are our regular customers who are passionate about food. Just yesterday, one of our mail order customers from the east Coast came by. He loves our dried fruit and has it shipped to him via our website, on a regular basis. Those kinds of connections happen every Saturday. One of my favorites occurred very early on probably 18 years ago. It was August and we had been selling our Cal Red Peaches for at least 2 weeks. A young woman rushed up to me early that morning anxiously asking if we still had Cal Red peaches. We did. Relieved, she bought her weekly box and exclaimed “Oh my God, all food should taste this good!” For me that was one of those memorable market moments!
At the market we connect with other growers like Ken Ohlsen whose fabulous oranges are in our winter CSA boxes. Chefs come to the market to do their shopping, like Mike Tusk from Quince, Chez Panisse and many others. It is still a hub for San Franciscans the emphasis being on what this amazing area has to offer; the most incredible produce and food that the world has to offer.
In the early 19th Century, Rudolph Steiner wrote that “…Commerce is in the realm of brotherhood…” The Saturday Ferry Building Farmers’ Market is a fulfillment of this vision.