Navel Oranges
Etheridge Farm, Dinuba, CA
California Navel Oranges are considered to be the best Navels for eating out of hand. They have a thick skin that is easy to peel, are seedless, and have a meaty and sweet flesh that makes them a perfect snack. Navels are also great for juicing and cooking.
Golden Nugget Mandarins
Abounding Harvest, Los Gatos, CA
Appearances aren’t everything. The bumpy peel of the Gold Nugget givesway to a richly flavored and sweet tart flesh.
Pink Lady Apples
Cayuma Orchards, New Cayuma, CA
A cross between the Golden Delicious and Lady Williams, the Pink Lady is a crisp and juicy apple with a tart finish. Pink skins and a creamy white colored flesh that resists browning makes this an excellent apple for salads and slicing.
Hayward Kiwi
Chiechi Farms, Live Oak, CA
Originally known as the Chinese gooseberry due to its Chinese orgins. Hawyward Wright, a New Zealand nurseryman propagated his plants by grafting and they eventually became the preferred cultivar of growers due to their sweet flavor and thin skin.
Hass Avocado
Del Rey Farm, Fallbrook, CA
Creamy in texture, nutty in flavor, with a small to medium seed. The Hass skin is easy to peel and darkens from green to purplish-black as it ripens. You can tell it is ripe by the color of the skin (dark) and if it yields to pressure.
Seascape Strawberries
Lucero Farm, Lodi, CA
Seascapes were named after a town near the Watsonville Strawberry Research Center where they were developed. A cross between the Selva and Douglas, Seascapes are loved by growers for their disease resistance, by eaters for their sweet flavor, and by bakers and jammers for their firm flesh.