Tag Archives: CSA

Week of August 22nd

In This Week’s Box

  • Peaches- Summer Lady
  • Nectarines- Fantasia
  • Plouts-Flavor Kings

From Farmer Al

Dear CSA Members, CSA’S ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT, THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL, THE MOST REAL way to change the world. We must change the health of the planet, economy, communities, families, and the health of our own bodies! We are seeing all of the above systems growing out of control like cancer. And every week I talk to individuals and organizations who have great visions to create change. There is ‘Roots of Change”, “Slow Money”, SAGE, CUESA, Ecological Farming Foundation, CAFF, Brentwood Ag and Land Trust, MALT, and many, many more. Lots of yearnings and gestures. Just two days ago 2 young men came to Frog Hollow to brainstorm and get ideas to help them build a model for their vision- “We’re starting a new company to change the way food and agricultural system works in the world. We’d like to create a world where people are more connected to farmers, chefs, and the food producers.” Throughout my discussion with these idealistic young tech guys, I kept thinking, we already have an exciting model to accomplish all of the above- The CSA Model. Not the watered down version which most CSA’s have become……..produce buyers’ clubs. It’s a CSA with members who eat consciously, for their own health, but also eat knowing that by spending their food dollars with a local farm, they are doing so much more– as you may have discerned, this is a subject I’m passionate about. In the weeks and months to come, I’ll be elaborating a lot more on how you, the CSA member, can become more engaged and connected– with our farm, your food, the soil, the earth. With Hope, Signature of Farmer Al Happy Child CSA News Event: We’re thrilled to be hosting Katie McDermott here in Brentwood at Frog Hollow Farm! She’s teaching a pie-making Class that will change the way you bake forever. Katie is a a renowned chef, author, and educator. Join us in our commercial kitchen and walk away with a beautiful pie to share. Details at: http://froghollowpie.eventbrite.com/ Savings Incentive: Sign up a Friend! Refer a friend to Happy Child CSA, and we’ll reward you with a complementary CSA box! Once a friend signs on for a season long membership, we’ll credit you a box. Call Melissa for details. (925) 634-2845 x 206