We hope you’ve noticed the delicious new recipes and blog posts coming from the farm of late. We thought it was high time we introduced you to their creator!
Meet Anna Buss, our new Culinary Coordinator. She joined Frog Hollow about 2 months ago and we are so happy to have her.
Like most people at the farm, Anna wears several hats. In addition to the lovely blog posts she’s been creating, Anna is working on product development for the farm. She’s busy experimenting the fruit juice that is a by-product of our frozen fruit. Frog Hollow Farm kombucha and soda are currently under development. She’s also working on creating new baked goods for our Farm Kitchen. Everyone in our office loves Anna’s culinary trials because we have the very good fortune of being the taste testers!
Anna’s not only a culinary wiz, but also brings great photographic and design skill. She majored in photography and marketing in college but diverged from that focus for a while to pursue her interest in farm based cooking.
Following school she got the travel bug and set off to Israel where she lived and worked on an organic farm. Everyone who lived on the farm shared the responsibility of cooking for one another on a rotating basis.. This is where Anna was introduced to cooking with seasonal farm produce. She was hooked! When she returned to United States she worked on a farm camp for two years where she cooked 3 meals a day for 80 people from produce from the farm. Previous to coming to Frog Hollow, she honed her culinary skills by working as a Farmers Market chef for the Pacific Coast Farmers Market Association and trained with who was a chef at Oliveto in Oakland.
At Frog Hollow Anna’s found a happy marriage of her culinary and photography skills. She’s been busy creating delicious and beautiful recipe focused blog posts, as well as doing some product photography and other fun marketing projects.
We hope you’ll all be able to make it out to our Summer Pick and Jam event in late June so you can say hi to Anna in person. She just might be cooking up something very tasty that you won’t want to miss!