For some good old fashioned fun and to embrace the scrumptiousness our pears lend to prepared food, we are sponsoring the
Prepare A Pear recipe contest!
Last fall, Mark Bittman urged New York Times readers to reconsider the pear for cooking because it is more versatile than the apple. He came up with ten great salad recipes featuring pears ( We’d love to see how you are preparing your pears for the breakfast, lunch, or dinner table.
Here’s an overview of the contest:
Contest Duration: Oct. 1-31, 2013.
Deadline to submit recipes: Oct. 20, 2013 3. Contestants are required to submit a recipe that uses pears as a key ingredient along with 1 original photograph of the final product.
. To submit your recipe, use #FrogHollowPears on Twitter & Facebook. If you don’t have a Twitter or Facebook profile, you may e-mail your recipes to with #FrogHollowPears in your subject line.
Chef Becky will select the top 5 recipes from all the entries that we receive from Oct. 1-20. 6. Top 5 recipes will be posted on our Website at and customers will be encouraged to vote for their favorite recipe. 7. The recipe with maximum votes on the website will be declared the winner of our Prepare A Pear contest. Deadline to vote, Oct. 31, 2013. 8. A winner will be declared Nov. 1, 2013.
The winner will receive a special Seasonal Goodie Package including our Warren pears and an assortment of our conserves and marmalades, freshly-baked cookies, our special pear ginger cake, assorted dried fruit, a bag of granola, along with a bottle of our organic olive oil. The prize will be delivered to your door.
Full contest details can be viewed on the website under the Prepare A Pear tab ( contest).
This contest is open to the general public so if you have friends and family who’d like to submit a recipe, feel free to share the information.
Happy Cooking!

Chef Becky's famous pear upside down cake. Yum!!