- Navel Oranges, Hass Avocado, Olson Family Farms, Lindsay, CA
- Kiwis, Brandt Farms, Reedly, CA
- Pink Lady Apples, Cuyama, New Cuyama, CA
- Grapefruit, Sundance, Oceanside, CA
From Farmer Al
Got Cots? Yes, we Do!!
Looks like a full crop on every variety, which is something we’ve never had before. And, we have a new variety, Apache, coming into production this year. The Apache is an every variety, very early…..about May 7th, I think, right along with our Brooks’ Cherries. Furthermore, we also have better production on our new early peach variety called Rich Zee. What this means for you…..your first summer CSA share will come in early May, and it’ll be a “dandy”!
We’ll also have several other new varieties of apricots coming into production this year: Kettleman, which follows Apache in May; then in June we’ll taste the exciting “Candy-Cot” varieties created by my friend, pomologist and world fruit forager, John Driver. I recently called him on his cell phone and he answered….from UZBEKISTAN….where he’s gathering more wild apricot tissue (branches with buds on them) to use in creating more hybrids for his amazing “Candy-Cot” line. Then there is yet another variety for you to enjoy in late June, a white variety called “Cot-N-Candy” (are the names starting to confuse you yet!?!) developed by the most famous plant breeder in California, Floyd Zaiger.
Since I eat apricots every day of the year (our Apricot Conserve paired with Massas’ Crunchy Almond Butter, simply spooned out of the jars side by side, makes an amazing snack while standing at the kitchen counter), you can imagine, I am one VERY happy farmer!
Here’s to Apricots!

Join us on March 18th, 2012 for a Blossom Walk in the Orchards with Farmer Al!
2012 Blossom Walk at Frog Hollow Farm
Sunday, March 18th, 2012 (10:30am – 2:30pm)
11435 Brentwood Blvd.
Brentwood, CA 94513
Farmer Al will be giving walking tours of the farm between 10:30am and 2:30pm. Bring your friends & family for this beautiful look at Frog Hollow Farm. The cherry, apple, and pear trees will be in full bloom!
Bring a picnic lunch for your group and a blanket to spread out and sit on.
Wear comfortable walking shoes! Sunscreen, hats, sunglasses and water also recommended.
Call us for more information: 925.634.2845 x 206 or email csa@froghollow.com