In This Week’s Box

- Kiwi from Brenner Ranch (Newcastle, CA)
- Warren pear from Frog Hollow Farm (Brentwood, CA)
- Fuji Apples from Bruce Rider & Sons (Watsonville, CA)
- Clementine mandarine from Olsen Organics (Lindsay, CA)
- Feijoa from Swift Subtropical (Los Osos, CA)
- Navel Oranges from Lindsay, CA
- Hauer Pippen Apples from Bruce Rider & Sons (Watsonville, CA)
From Farmer Al
Greetings from the farm!
The wet weather continues to hit us here in Brentwood, which keeps us from our winter work of pruning the trees for next year’s harvest. The rain also takes away the chilling hours I mentioned in last week’s newsletter. Certain fruit require so many hours of 45 degrees and below temperature. This will affect some varieties of our apricots, cherries (more specifically the Bings) and pears, possibly meaning another light harvest in 2011. Our peaches, plums, and nectarines should not be affected by this wet weather. While the rain can have a negative impact on some of our trees, we are more than happy to have the moisture. This is the true essence of farming. The “not so good” always brings a positive.
On that note… we are still working through the transition of our CSA, listening to your feedback in regards to the changes we’ve made. The changes we’ve recently made have been designed to help the farm while giving you a stronger CSA built around community, place, and fresh, organic fruit. Please continue to visit our new website,, for updates and improvements to your membership. We value you as a member and supporter of our farm and highly value your feedback.
Despite the short and “not so sweet” update, we are looking forward to a fantastic 2011, building stronger, long-lasting, relationships with each of you. Thank you for all of your support along the way… Happy New Year!
Organically Yours,

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