Many of you may have met our beloved Outreach Coordinator, Molly James. Some of you may know her as the woman who calls you when your subscription expires or the blonde who signed you up for the CSA program, and your kids probably know her as the nice lady that helps them make crafts at our CSA Farm Events.
Molly hails from the suburbs of Los Angeles, CA, where she grew up as the youngest of five. She joined Frog Hollow’s CSA program as the Outreach Coordinator just over a year
ago. She was drawn to the farm by her passion for sustainable living and her love of organic agriculture. She’s been fascinated by organic agriculture since beginning to study ecological agriculture techniques at UC Berkeley. But, it wasn’t until after college when she managed the organic educational garden in Southern California, that she really became hooked.
Spending every day with her hands in the dirt, growing food under the Southern California sun was “heavenly” as she put it. In addition to build- ing and maintaining the garden, she led educational activities with local kids. Of course there were hard days, when the sun was too hot, the work too back breaking or the kids a little too rowdy, but ultimately, it was one of the happiest and most fortunate adventures she’s had thus far.
After leaving the garden, Molly was eager to contribute to the sustainable food movement. She’d learned about the Community Supported Agricul- ture model while in school and thought it was a brilliant way to support or- ganic farmers and while giving folks access to local, organic food. So when the opportunity came up to work for Frog Hollow’s CSA program she was thrilled. She’d been following Frog Hollow for sometime, in part because of her addiction to our conserve. The Peach continues to be her favorite.
When not working for the farm, Molly works with Bay Area women’s leadership organizations to curate workshops and events. She also plays music, loves to craft and tries to get outside as much as possible.
Make sure and look for her at the craft booth at our next farm event!