Fruit and News of the Week:
Native to the regions of Persia and the Western Himalayan range, pomegranates have been cultivated for several millennia. When sliced open a beautiful array of jewel like seeds are displayed. The aril is the colorful casing that surrounds the edible seeds and has a sweet tart flavor. Enjoy the arils alone or use them in salads, desserts, or bever- ages. Store these whole in the fridge or enjoy within 2-3 days if left on the counter.
Heirloom Apples
We grow a few varieties of heirloom apples, but not enough of each variety to pack everyone the same ones. You will receive some configuration of these varieties – Cox’s Orange Pippin, Ashmead’s Kernel, Belle de Boskopf, and Jonathon. Store on your coun- ter out of direct light for 4-5 days. Refrigerate after to maintain crispness.
Warren Pears
This is Frog Hollow Farm’s signature pear and for good reason. Too difficult to grow for most farmers to consider it’s never caught on commercially but Farmer Al has never shied away from putting the time and effort into a fruit that tastes so good. It has a classic European texture, very soft and juicy with a silky sweetness that avoids the typical grittiness found in most pears. Pears are ripe when wrinkled and yielding slightly near the stem. Pears will store well in the fridge once they have reached your optimal ripeness.
Golden Russet Bosc Pears
The Bosc was introduced to the US in 1836 and has also been known as the Kaiser Alexander. The Golden Russet is true to its name with a yellowish-white flesh and a uniformly russet skin. It has the classic Bosc shape of a long elegant neck. Excellent for cooking, the Bosc’s texture holds up very well in pies, tarts, and for poaching.
Seckle Pears
A varietal that pre-dates the Bosc, the Seckel is much smaller in size and finds its origins near Philadelphia in the early 1800s. Also known as sugar pears, the Seckel is green with a dark-red blush or in some cases nearly all red. It’s extremely sweet with almost no acid and its fine flesh is very juicy.
Hosui Asian Pears
Hosui have flesh that while still crunchy has a more melting mouthful, making the texture combination when eaten out of hand spectacular. Very juicy and sweet with a milder pear taste. Enjoy these from the counter within 5-7 days.
Dear CSA Members,
What a glorious day we had on the Farm Sunday with all our CSA members, their family and friends. The weather was truly spectacular; breezy, sunny and cool. The light was what en- composes Autumn in Northern California, long shadows and a golden sun hanging low in the Southern sky. An absolutely beautiful day!
Farmer Al made a brief appearance on his golf cart, being on “doctor’s orders” to stay off his leg as he recovers and heals from the bone graft done on September 20th. He did as well as he is capable of doing while having 200 guests on the Farm as well as his 2 daughters, Maddie and Millie , along with my daughter, Analise and her friend Miranda. The
4 girls, after bonding over the new Farm kitty (Rudy), pretty much kept Farmer Al at their beck and call with rides through the orchard. As long as he stayed off his leg – all was good! I promise you, I was watching!
The Farm looked festive and happy thanks to Lael, Molly and our packing shed crew’s “crafty” efforts. Garlands of bright material strung through the packing shed welcomed everyone to enjoy their lunches. If being out in the sunshine was what you wanted, the bales of hay next to the pumpkin patch were available to sit and enjoy the Pink Lady apples freshly picked from the trees in the orchard. There was even live music to serenade those who were in the orchard picking their sweet/tart perfectly ripe apples.
Thank you to all of you who took time out of crazy weekends to come out and enjoy what we get to every day, a day on the Farm!

Codling Moth Puppet making at the Kid's Craft Station

Molly, Corbin and friends square dancing in the orchard.

Pie Making Class

Apple picking in the orchard!