In This Week’s Box
- Warren Pears, Frog Hollow Farm
- Bosc Pears, Frog Hollow Farms CA
- Seckle Pears, Frog Hollow Farms
- Pink Lady Apples, Frog Hollow Farms
- Avocados, CA
From Farmer Al
Dear CSA Members- Give Us Your Coffee……..
Grounds, please, and help us grow our soil and fertilize our trees. Spent coffee grounds are not garbage, they are a valuable piece of the compost puzzle, high in nitrogen. And we’d also like your veggie scraps, fruit scraps, egg shells, garden trimmings.
With the scientific help of Christophe and Monique, our compost mentors, we’ll turn your ‘garbage’ into rich, fertile compost which will help us grow even sweeter more delicious fruit to grace your tables, and feed your families. We will all be healthier and so will the planet.
And PLEASE come to the farm this Sunday, October 23, to meet Monique and Christophe and actually make a compost pile from scratch. They’ll bring a microscope which can project onto a screen all of the living organisms in two different test piles of compost we’ve been making recently. You’ll see magnified on the screen all of the fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes, nematodes, and other organisms that make up the “SOIL FOOD WEB” which constitutes a living, dynamic soil.
And as an extra bonus for the ‘Pear Affair”, will be CSA member Dr. Gordon Frankie, Professor of Entomology at UC Berkeley, who will talk to us about the Native Bee Project taking place here at Frog Hollow Farm.
‘Till Sunday,

P.S. The day will end with a Farm Touch with Farmer Al and we’ll visit the composting site and actually make a compost pile from scratch using materials we have on hand. We’ll provide the shovels!
A Pear Affair
Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 23rd from 11- 3 pm. We’re inviting all of our current CSA Members, and their Friends and Family to come out to the farm to enjoy the orchard. Bring a picnic lunch, and we’ll supply dessert.
We’ll have some games for children, baked goods and farm products for sale, a composting demo as well as a native bee talk , and everyone is welcome to walk around and enjoy the orchard at this beautiful time of year.
Pears, Apples, and other Kitchen items will be available for sale. We’re also working with local farms to offer you other activities in Brentwood for the Harvest. In addition to Family Friendly activities, there’s also some wine tasting in the area if you’re up for that!
***RSVP Here*** and please bring your printed out tickets for checking in.
*Note- event is weather permitting– if rain is in the forecast we will not have the event. No dogs are allowed, sorry!*
Suggestions for local area fun after your visit to FHF for ‘A Pear Affair’:
Smith Family Farms–just minutes away from FHF, they have a wonderful Pumpkin Patch and farm stand in Knightsen, CA.
Just before you reach Smith Family Farms, there’s a museum that just happens to be open 10/23, the E. Contra Costa Historical Society and Museum. Lots of old tractors and a rural farmstead to tour. Very Cool.
Hanna Nicole Vineyards has wine tasting just minutes from the farm, as well. Open from 11-5