This Week’s Fruit
Golden Sweet Apricots A smaller apricot that makes up for whatever it lacks in size with its rich flavor. Though we may bake pastries featuring other varieties, the Golden Sweet is our variety of choice for our best-selling apricot conserve. A California born and bred variety, it has a brilliant golden orange skin with a soft blush. Suncrest Peaches A Slow Food Ark heritage variety, the Suncrest has all the old-fashioned taste of days gone by. Its a truly memorable peach whose firm but juicy flesh provides a real eat-over-the-sink experience. Gently tapered, the Suncrest has hardly any blush to speak of on its rich yellow skin. A more fragile variety, the Suncrest bruises easily when picked, but as many of our farmers market customers know, a picking bruise means the fruit is extra delicious. Ruby Grand Nectarines The Ruby Grand is our first yellow nectarine of the harvest season. It’s naturally large and fragrant with an intense flavor. It’s firm flesh has a melting mouthful and is a very versatile fruit, excellent for eating fresh, canning, freezing, and for drying. Santa Rosa Plums Red-skinned with a purple bloom, its amber flesh gets flushed with red. It’s plump perfection with tender flesh that’s extremely sweet and juicy. A bit of tartness in the skin balances out the sweetness. Storage Recommendations We recommend leaving three days worth of the stone fruit on your countertop and store the rest in the fridge to be enjoyed later in the week.A Note From Farmer Al
Dear CSA Members, Plum Jam? Dear CSA Members, I know for sure you’d rather make it yourself rather than have it arrive in your weekly box. Yes, we were not paying attention 2 weeks ago and it created a mess for many of you, and we are very sorry. We value you, our members and we want you to be happy with your weekly box, not disappointed. We thank those of you who called or emailed us describing the problem. We heard you loud and clear and have improved the packaging and re-trained our packing crew to choose the fruit more carefully. In addition to extra vigilance on our part, we would like to share the bounty of this season with by giving you extra fruit in your box when we have a “bumper crop” of one or more varieties on any given week. This week its Suncrest peaches. After the Gold Dust it is probably the first serious peach of the season. An heirloom variety made famous by Mas Masamoto in his book epitaph for a peach, it is thick fleshed and juicy, beautifully shaped, (a little on the furry side) peach with amazing aroma and flavor. Like the Santa Rosa plum, it is one of those varieties that aren’t grown commercially because of their fragility in shipping and handling. We are one of the few farms that grow them and we want to share them with you. Enjoy!