In This Week’s Box

- Warren Pears, Frog Hollow Farm, CA
- Taylor’s Gold Pears , Frog Hollow Farm , CA
- Fuji Apples, Watsonville, CA
- Honey Crisp Apples, Cuyama, CA
- Avocados, CA
It’s that time of year!
Time to join the Fall/Winter 2011 CSA~ The Spring/Summer Season’s last delivery will be the week of October 24th.
The first week of November will kick off the Fall/Winter season. Our Fall/Winter season will be focused on sourcing fruit from small, California only farms, and providing you with diversity and value each week. We will be including things like avocados, citrus, pears, apples, persimmons as well as occasionally adding treats from the farms’ kitchen to your boxes. Fundamentally, the Happy Child CSA is a Fruit only CSA, and we will remain with that model all winter.
The sizes are the same, as well, so if you are used to getting your single share, double, or triple share, stick with what has worked for you. We’ve worked to update and clarify our policies and payment procedures this season, as well.
In the coming weeks, you may either go to the site and add the subscription using your log-in on, or you can contact me, Melissa at (925) 634-2845 x 206 and I can help you– especially for those of you who have credits that may need to be rolled over into Fall/Winter. I can work with you individually to make sure all outstanding items are accounted for.
I look forward to another season of Organic Fruit with all of you who decide to continue, and I thank all of you very much for such wonderful support this summer.
Regards, Melissa Baggett
Happy Child CSA Coordinator
A Pear Affair
Mark your calendars for October 23rd, from 11 am to 3 pm. We’re inviting all of our CSA Members, and their Friends and Family to come out to the farm to enjoy the orchard. Bring a picnic lunch, and we’ll supply desserts.
We’ll have some games for children, baked goods and farm products for sale, a composting demo and everyone is welcome to walk around and enjoy the orchard at this beautiful time of year.
Pears, Apples, and other Kitchen items will be available for sale. We’re also working with local farms to offer you other activities in Brentwood for the Harvest. In addition to Family Friendly activities, there’s also some wine tasting in the area if you’re up for that!
RSVP Here,
*event is weather permitting and no dogs are allowed, sorry!*
Suggestions for local area fun after your visit to FHF for ‘A Pear Affair’:
Smith Family Farms–just minutes away from FHF, they have a wonderful Pumpkin Patch and farm stand in Knightsen, CA.
Just before you reach Smith Family Farms, there’s a museum that just happens to be open 10/23, the E. Contra Costa Historical Society and Museum. Lots of old tractors and a rural farmstead to tour. Very Cool.
Hanna Nicole Vineyards has wine tasting just minutes from the farm, as well. Open from 11-5