In This Week’s Box

- Bing cherries, Frog Hollow Farm
- Rainier cherries, Frog Hollow Farm
From Farmer Al
Dear CSA Members–It’s Raining on Our Parade!
Our “Cherry Parade”! For the second time this year Mother Nature is being brutal…with bad weather in the form of rain at a critical moment in the growth of our crops! First it was a warm rain on our apricot blossoms. Now, it’s an amazingly unseasonable rain on our ripening cherry crop! It’s Sunday evening and its pouring, with huge claps of thunder and lightning. A cherry grower’s worst nightmare!
Nonetheless, we do have cherries in our cooler, which were picked on Friday in anticipation of this rain, so our CSA community will still get cherries this week. Our large wholesale buyers, such as Whole Foods, may not!
Earlier today I was talking with Joe Schirmer, owner and farmer of Dirty Girl Farm in Santa Cruz County (his wife, Miranda, is the niece of my wife, Becky). They had to pick all of their ripe strawberries on Friday hoping to sell them at the farmers’ market on Saturday. They had about 50 cases unsold, so we bought them all at the end of the market. Our kitchen will now make Strawberry-Cherry conserve with their unsold strawberries and our rain-damaged cherries. Try some, folks. You’ll love it, and so will your kids! And you’ll be supporting two farms for the price of one–the ray of sunshine on an otherwise gloomy report.

p.s. Well-known folk saying: “when life give you lemons, make lemonade…!”
Thank You
All of us at Frog Hollow Farm wanted to thank you for your commitment to Happy Child CSA. As I’m sure you’ve seen in the news, many farmers, including us, are having difficulties with the weather. You’ve been reading about this in Farmer Al’s notes as well. Through these tough times, we depend on you, our CSA members, more and more.
Our CSA members are here to support their local farmer in good times and bad. They understand a piece of fruit does not need to be the most beautiful on the tree to have the sweet natural flavor we all love. As
your local farm, our goal is to always provide you a box of fruit being picked each week–including when that fruit is back-to-back weeks of cherries.
We appreciate your support and understanding as we make it through these tough weeks. Rest assured, peaches, nectarines, plums and pluots are all coming very shortly.
With Best Wishes,
Frog Hollow Farm