In This Week’s Box

- August Fire Nectarines, Frog Hollow Farm, Brentwood, CA
- Autumn Flame Peaches, Frog Hollow Farm Brentwood, CA
- Warren Pears, Frog Hollow Farm, Brentwood, CA
From Farmer Al
Dear CSA Members,
Summer Ends……Thursday! And out with a Roar!
Warren Pears herald Fall, and we have the best crop ever, with very “high brix” (meaning lots of sweetness) and lots and lots of fruit. Please visit our special Pear Website,, to learn more about these delicious fruits.
Surprisingly, they rate higher than apples in just about every nutritional and ‘health’ category, and kids generally prefer them once they try one.
We’ll have them in your boxes for all of the Fall months, so learn how to handle tem and use them. Pears should be left out at room temperature till they soften and or wrinkle right around the stem. The rest of the fruit will be firm, but when cut, they’ll be juicy with a great texture.
One of my favorite ways to enjoy pears is perched atop bruschetta– Take a slice of sourdough bread, or sweet Batard, toast it, and slather it with a gorgonzola or blue cheese such as Cowgirls’ Creamery Blue or Blue Castillo cheese. Over the cheese, add 1/8 “ thick slices of Warren Pear. For breakfast or Sunday Bruch.
That’s “Livin’ Large”!
CSA News-
A Pear Affair
Set your calendars for October 23rd, from 11 am to 3 pm. We’re inviting all of our CSA Members, and their Friends and Family to come out to the farm to enjoy the orchard. Bring a picnic lunch, and we’ll supply deserts.
We’ll have a composting demo and everyone is welcome to walk around and enjoy the orchard at this beautiful time of year.
Pears, Apples, and other Kitchen items will be available for sale. We’re also working with local farms to offer you other activities in Brentwood for the Harvest. In addition to Family Friendly activities, there’s also some wine tasting in the area if you’re up for that!
Pear Varieties at Frog Hollow Farm-
In addition to the Warren Pear, Frog Hollow Farm grows Taylor’s Gold and Golden Russet Pears. Did you know we have 3 varieties of Asian Pear in the orchard? Shinseiki, Shinko, and Hosui. These will be coming in your CSA shares at some point this season, and will also be available at the Farmer’s Markets’ we attend.