Looks like I jumped the gun about the paper insert and had my mind focused a little too much on turkey day. Sorry, folks, that message I mentioned last week is actually scheduled to be in your box this coming week–the week of the 6th.
This week, we’re seeing more Valencia oranges and I’ve learned something new: If you think like I did, that they’re not ready to eat because of the green, well don’t let the color fool you. Valencias ripen and turn golden, but as they stay on the limb and become fully ripe, the skin will re-absorb chlorophyll and start to turn green around the stem again. The green tinge on a Valencia is a desirable trait!
Karen’s been doing a great job of hunting down fruit from our favorite farms, and again we’ve got a nice sampling of solid lunchbox favorites along with the more rare persimmon. The pears this week are less ripe than they were in the last box–we’d aimed for very ripe and ready to eat for the holiday, but if you had pears that were too ripe to use after cutting away a spot or two, please let us know so we can make it up to you.
As you may have guessed, pears and the Warren in particular are our proverbial bread and butter in the winter months, so there are of course more of them in the box. Thankfully they’re extremely versatile, and if it’s not too cold to turn you away from frozen treats, I highly recommend making popsicles out of them.
Once more, before the new info shows up, if you’re a “full” share and getting two boxes, that’s correct! Even if it seems like a whole lot more fruit, it’s really only a difference of a couple pounds or 5-6 pieces–the black insert at the bottom of the box was not in the original 10lb full share, and is there to keep the fruit a little safer during transport.
Kimi Owens