- Warren Pears, Red Pears, & Bosc Pears, Pink Lady Apples; Frog Hollow Farm, Brentwood, CA
- Clementine Oranges, Olson Family Farms, Kingsburg, CA
- Fuji Apples, Cuyma Farm, New Cuyama, CA
Dear CSA Members–
It’s the LAST week of 2011. I’m enjoying the gift of fresh organic fruit in my life, and few extra minutes of daylight as Winter wears on. After a lot of chocolate, sweet coffee drinks, ham, and cheese and crackers, I’m craving greens, apples, and ‘healthy stuff’!
I drove up from San Luis Obispo this morning to find the farm quiet and serene. The sun is shining bright and the air is crisp and beautiful. Far out in the orchard, tress are being pruned; closer to the farm offices, workers pack out your orders in the packing shed. The farm kitchen is quietly baking up more granola, preparing food to send to the Frog Hollow Farm café in the Ferry Building in SF; and clean up after the chaos of last week’s Holiday Season mail order fulfillment.
This week in your CSA, we have included a gift for you–Peach Conserves. This is a Thank You for all of your support throughout the year, and a chance to taste the essence of summer in a jar! I love pairing the jam with cheese to spread on a cracker, dollop into yogurt, or just making a good old fashioned peanut or almond butter and jelly sandwich. Farmer Al skips the bread part of this combo and spoons the almond butter and conserve straight from the jars along with a good shot of espresso to start his day!
I wanted to mention there was an error in the newsletter last week– the Fuji apples we have included this week and last are from Cuyama Farm, in New Cuyama, California.
Have a very relaxing and enjoyable week, see you in the New Year,
Melissa Baggett
(925) 634-2845 x 206