1 nectarine per person
½ cup balsamic vinegar
¼ brown sugar
juice of one lemon, divided
freshly ground black pepper
Slice the nectarines in half and remove the pits. Sprinkle with about 2 teaspoons of the lemon juice. Set the nectarines aside.
In a small saucepan combine the balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, and remaining lemon juice. Add a few grinds from the pepper mill. Bring the ingredients to a boil and cook until they have been reduced by about half.
Meanwhile, heat up the grill and brush it lightly with oil. Place the nectarines pit side down and cover them. Cook for about 2 minutes or until you see some grill marks. Turn the nectarines over and baste them with them generously with the reduction. Cover them again and cook for another few minutes until they are soft.
These grilled nectarines will make a great accompaniment to grilled pork.