Honey Rich Apriums
Frog Hollow Farm, Brentwood, CA
An Aprium is a cross between an apricot and a plum. Both the Aprium and the Pluot were developed by Floyd Zaiger outside of Modesto, CA using the “low tech” method of cross-pollinating plum and apricot trees and then selecting for certain traits. The Honeyrich is a prime example of the aprium which most strongly resembles its apricot parentage. Sweet even when the flesh is still crisp, they continue to ripen into soft juicy delicacies.
Valencia Oranges
Pleasant Valley Ranch, Springville, CA
Valencia Oranges are a late season orange known for their very sweet tasting and brightly colored juice. They are one of the most popular varieties used for bottled juices because of this. Their sweet, bright flavor and minimal seed content (1-6 per orange) make them perfect for out of hand eating too.
Hass Avocado
Tomorrow’s Organics, Monterey
Creamy in texture, nutty in flavor, with a small to medium seed. The Hass skin is easy to peel and darkens from green to purplish-black as it ripens.
Ruby Grapefruit
Sundance Natural, Oceanside, CA
The Grapefruit is said to cross between the Jamaican sweet orange and the Indonesian pomelo, first documented in 1750. Ruby grapefruit was an accidental discovery of a red fruit growing on a pink grapefruit tree.
Albion Strawberries
Yerena Farms, Watsonville, CA
The Albion is a newer variety strawberry developed at UC Davis. It is ever bearing and usually produces fruit June – October in the Bay Area. The sweet flavor and firm flesh makes the Albion an excellent dessert or preserving berry.
There’s buzz around the Farm this week…
Dear CSA Members,
It’s a happy buzzing environment this week. The bees are buzzing around, the sun is shining, the sky is bright blue and filled with big puffy clouds and word is “it’s about to heat up.” The fruit is going to be HAPPY!!!
We’re picking cherries!!! Hopefully we will find enough to put in your CSA boxes. I tasted one (ok, maybe 30) and they are AMAZING.
The packing shed team showed up Friday to “clean” and get the packing line ready for its full gear-up on Monday. The ladies were singing and laughing, really a fun sight to see and listen too.
Karen, our official inventory specialist and general go-to gal, found an aban- doned kitten in her back yard Thursday night. So Friday the office team spent ooo-ing and ahhh-ing over this 3 week old tiny thing in between bottle feed- ings. Karen will bring the kitten in all of this week and do the same thing until the sweet baby can eat on its own.
Patti Spooner, owner of Alta Coffee, the coffee purveyor for our retail location at the Ferry Building, brought a friend out and had a tour of the farm.
All the golf carts and forklifts got their annual “let’s get ready for the season” checkups. All are now buzzing along happily.
There you have it!
– Sarah