A perfect recipe to make your July 4th meal delicious, unique, and memorable.
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1/3 cup olive oil
¼ cup balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon minced garlic
¼ cup pitted kalamata olives
salt and freshly ground pepper
2 -3 peaches cut into 8-12 pieces
1 cup parsley leaves
2 pounds chicken breasts
1 pound sausage
2 red peppers, cut into chunks
1 red onion, cut into chunks
¼ cup extra veggies of your choice, cut into chunks
Fire up the barbeque. Grill chicken, and sausage, and vegetables.
Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, and garlic. Add the olives and salt and pepper to taste.
With a sharp paring knife, cut the peaches into large bite size pieces. Separate parsley leaves from stems and set aside. When the meat is about half done, add the peaches and parsley to the bowl to marinate.
When the meat and vegetables are done, remove them from the grill. Cut the meat into bite size pieces and toss everything into the bowl. Mix well so that everything is well coated. Salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately.