Our Olio Nuovo is here! We’ve just finished with our first pressing of our 2016 olive oil and it is delicious. Olio Nuovo, or new oil, is the freshest oil of the new seasons harvest. The Olio Nuovo is a…
Blog posts and other snippets relating to our CSA community.
Our Olio Nuovo is here! We’ve just finished with our first pressing of our 2016 olive oil and it is delicious. Olio Nuovo, or new oil, is the freshest oil of the new seasons harvest. The Olio Nuovo is a…
Last February we planted 20 acres of our peak season peaches. These trees are going to fill in for some older orchards that are in decline in production. Once the new trees reach production, we will begin removing the old…
To Autumn by John Keats Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run; To bend with apples the moss’d…
We love our pears at Frog Hollow! Pears are one of the world’s oldest and most beloved fall fruits. Cultivation of most modern pear varieties began as early as the 17th century in Europe and Asia, while early pear records…
Olive harvest season is approaching and we are very happy to announce it looks like it is going to be our largest crop ever! During the 2015 season, we were able to press 800 gallons of oil from the harvest.…