We are slowly but surely building up our fall and winter fruit crops with the goal of providing more Frog Hollow fruit for our CSA year round. Last year, we were pleased to plant 5 varieties of mandarins and 2…
Blog posts and other snippets relating to our CSA community.
Consider all the types of berries you have eaten in your life time. What types can you come up with? Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and the list goes on…But have you ever tried a mulberry? We had not until a…
A Note from Farmer Kristin: A day in the life of a veggie farmer… As I show up to the farm the air is cold and crisp. It’s the first blue sky I’ve seen at the farm for several days…
More citrus at Frog Hollow is in the works! We hope you are all enjoying the arrival of our blood orange crop! As much as we love and appreciate the delicious fruits our partner growers provide during the fall and…