While most of the farm is busy ramping up for stone fruit, the veggie farmers have been spending the last few weeks transplanting all 1100 tomato plants out into the field. We started a couple months ago with tomato seeds…
While most of the farm is busy ramping up for stone fruit, the veggie farmers have been spending the last few weeks transplanting all 1100 tomato plants out into the field. We started a couple months ago with tomato seeds…
Global warming is a hot topic, both literally and figuratively. It is complex and impacts each one of us. Though complex, most climate scientists agree that human activity has caused certain gases, such as carbon, to be released into our…
A Note from Farmer Kristin: A day in the life of a veggie farmer… As I show up to the farm the air is cold and crisp. It’s the first blue sky I’ve seen at the farm for several days…
THIS WEEK’S FRUIT: Fuyu Persimmons Chiechi Farm, Live Oak, CA The Fuyu has a crisp texture with a rich honey sweet flavor. They have a beautiful orange to red hue when ripe, often with tiny brown speckles on the skin.…
It is that time of year again, we’re planting tomatoes! To me, getting our tomatoes in the ground officially means summer is around the corner. Our tomatoes were seeded in the greenhouse nearly two months ago. They started their life…